Take the HealthBulletin survey to win a camera, iPod or voucher

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Published in the HealthBulletin Journal
Posted on:
9 November, 2011
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The Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet today launched a survey asking readers how their peer-reviewed publication, the HealthBulletin journal could be improved.

Each person who completes the survey could enter a draw to win a camera, iPod, or $300 gift voucher.

The survey is important because it will help the HealthInfoNet to make the journal more useful to readers.

It should take about 5 minutes to complete.

To take the Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin survey, readers can either:

• complete the survey online at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HealthBulletinSurvey2011, or
• print the PDF and then return by fax, post, or email scan http://healthbulletin.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/HealthBulletin_Survey_2011.pdf

The survey closes on Wednesday February 29, 2012, and prize-winners will be announced on the HealthInfoNet website in March, 2012.

Contact information:

Jane Burns
Deputy Editor
Ph: (08) 9370 6136
Email: j.burns@ecu.edu.au

Christine Potter
Deputy Editor
Ph: (08) 9370 6395
Email: c.potter@ecu.edu.au

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Journal of the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet

We welcome submissions of original unpublished articles and are seeking papers from researchers and practitioners that address key issues in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.

Visit the Journal

This journal replaced the HealthBulletin Journal in December 2020