2011 Deadly Awards: Outstanding Achievement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

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Published in the HealthBulletin
Posted on:
3 October, 2011

The 17th Deadly Awards were held at the Sydney Opera House on the 27 September, recognising outstanding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander achievements in sport, the arts, music and health.

The Outstanding Achievement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Award

NPY Women’s Council Aboriginal Corporation

The Outstanding Achievement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Award was given to Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjata (NPY) Women’s Council Aboriginal Corporation from Alice Springs for their No safe amount – the effects of alcohol in pregnancy program.

The NPY Women‘s Council is an Aboriginal, community-controlled organisation dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of approximately 6000 Anangu men, women, and children living in the Central Australian region. No safe amount – the effects of alcohol in pregnancy is an early intervention and prevention campaign designed to raise awareness of the harmful and permanent effects on the unborn child of using alcohol during pregnancy, particularly awareness of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). This is achieved through an educational/advertising campaign and DVD resource using a combination of media including animation and live action. The campaign was developed in partnership with young people in the remote Aboriginal Community of Imanpa, including script development, pre- and post-production and casting.

Health Worker of the Year

Muriel Jaragba

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker of the Year was given to Muriel Jaragba, an Aboriginal Mental Health Worker who has been at the forefront of Aboriginal mental health for over a decade.

Muriel Jaragba is an Anindilyakwa woman, who lives and works with her people on Groote Eylandt in Arnhem Land, NT. Fluent in three Aboriginal languages, Muriel helps many clients and their families across several communities and is highly knowledgeable in both traditional Aboriginal healing and Western approaches to address mental health problems. Muriel has contributed to the wider Aboriginal society through her significant research work with close collaborator Dr Kylie Lee on mental health and substance use. She has also been involved in developing suitable programs to help cannabis users, families, the wider community and other groups across the country. Her achievements have been nationally recognised with her ground breaking substance use and mental health research efforts earning a finalist nomination in the research category at the 2010 National Drug and Alcohol Awards. Muriel‘s outstanding achievements, in the difficult area of mental health and drug and alcohol issues, have contributed greatly to enhancing the health and wellbeing of many people across various Aboriginal communities.

  • Contact details:
    • Vibe Australia, 28 Burton St, Darlinghurst, NSW 2010, ph: (02) 9361 0140