Budget 2017-18: information of relevance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

Current topic
Published in the HealthBulletin
Posted on:
10 May, 2017

Federal Treasurer, Scott Morrison, delivered his second Australian Government Budget on Tuesday evening, 9 May 2017.

The following links provide information on the Budget and its implications for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.

Australian Government Budget details:

View website: Australian Government Budget 2017-18
View Australian Government Budget 2017-18 Paper 1, Budget strategy and outlook, Statement 6: Expenses and net capital investment

View Australian Government Budget 2017-18 Paper 3, Federal financial relations, Part 2: Payments for specific purposes: Health
View information: Australian Government Budget 2017-18, Portfolio budget statements: Health portfolio
View Australian Government Budget 2017-18, Health Portfolio: Outcome 2 – Health access and support services
(Program 2.2 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, page 60 and Table 2.2.3: Performance Criteria for Program 2.2, pages 65, 66 and 67)
View Australian Government Budget 2017-18, Ministerial statements: Regional Australia—Driving Our Economy 2017–18
View Australian Government Budget 2017-18, Ministerial statements: Regional Australia—Driving Our Economy 2017–18: Health
View Australian Government Budget 2017-18 Budget measure, Department of Human Services

(Improving Access to Medicines — maintaining Remote Area Aboriginal Health Services pharmaceutical dispensing)
View Australian Government Budget 2017-18, Department of Social Services Budget statements
View Australian Government Budget 2017-18, Department of Social Services

Department for Prime Minister and Cabinet

More detailed information on various components of Indigenous expenditure is available from the Department for Prime Minister and Cabinet

Department for Prime Minister and Cabinet
View Portfolio Budget statements 2017-18
Statements: Department for Prime Minister and Cabinet
(Outcome 2, page 30)

For information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health:

The Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status provides information about: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations; the context of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health; various measures of population health status; selected health conditions; and health risk factors.
View Overview: Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet

Further information: