Links to Australian Government Budget 2007-08: information of relevance to Indigenous health

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Published in the HealthBulletin
Posted on:
10 May, 2007
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Federal Treasurer Peter Costello delivered his twelfth Australian Government Budget on Tuesday evening, 8 May 2007. The following links provide information on the Budget and its implications for Indigenous health.

Indigenous Affairs Budget 2007-08

The Australian Government Indigenous Affairs Budget 2007-08 provides information on Indigenous spending across all Government portfolios.
View Indigenous Budget 2007-08 contents web page
View document (PDF – 2.28MB – large file warning!) – includes media releases and fact sheets on individual measures
View summary of Indigenous measures (PDF – 266KB)

Portfolio Budget Statements 2007-08

More detailed information on various components of Indigenous expenditure is available in the respective Portfolio Budget Statements 2007-08, including the:

Health and Ageing Portfolio

Portfolio Budget Statements 2007-08
View document (PDF – 2.67MB – large file warning!)
Outcome 8 – Indigenous health is downloadable separately.
View document (PDF – 72KB)
View document (RTF – 328KB)

Health and Ageing Budget at a glance provides a statistical summary of expenditure
View information (HTML)

Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Portfolio

Portfolio Budget Statements 2007-08
View document (HTML)

Full Budget details

Full Australian Government Budget details are available at the official Australian Government Budget website.
View website

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