National Indigenous Violence and Child Abuse Intelligence Task Force

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Published in the HealthBulletin Journal
Posted on:
27 September, 2006
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The following information has been adapted from joint media releases by the Minster for Justice and Customs (14 July 2006) and the Australian Crime Commission (17 July 2006).

A National Indigenous Violence and Child Abuse Intelligence Task Force has been established. Led by the Australian Crime Commission (ACC), the task force is designed to address violence and child abuse in Indigenous communities. It will collect, analyse and disseminate information to Commonwealth, state and territory law enforcement agencies; providing a whole of government response. The initiative is resourced by the Commonwealth, states and territories and will have involvement from the Australian Federal Police, Australian Institute of Criminology, state and territory police forces and other agencies.

The objectives of the task force include:

  • Improving the national coordination of the collection and sharing of information and intelligence on violence and child abuse in remote and urban Indigenous communities.
  • Enhancing the national understanding of the nature and extent of violence and child abuse in remote and urban Indigenous communities.
  • Providing intelligence and other advice to relevant Commonwealth, state and territory organisations on violence and child abuse in remote and urban Indigenous communities, including organised criminal involvement in drugs, alcohol, pornography and fraud.
  • Conducting research into the impact of improved intelligence and information coordination and into the identification of good practice in the prevention, detection and responses to violence and child abuse in Indigenous communities.