Obituary: Dr Puggy Hunter

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Published in the HealthBulletin Journal
Posted on:
1 July, 2001
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The Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet mourns the tragic death on 3 September of Dr Puggy Hunter.

Puggy was born in Darwin of Kimberley parents. His initial work experience was in the welfare area, particularly relating to child protection.

He helped establish the East Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Service in 1982, and served as Chairman of the Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Council for many years.

In 1991, Puggy was elected as inaugural Chairperson of NACCHO (the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation), the peak national advisory body on Aboriginal health.

As Chairperson of NACCHO, Puggy worked tirelessly to strengthen and expand the crucial roles of Aboriginal community-controlled health services. He played a critical role in government responses to Indigenous health, including the negotiation of health framework agreements in every State and Territory.

Puggy also made a major contribution to ensuring that Medicare services and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme benefits were more equitably provided to Indigenous people, particularly those living in remote parts of the country.

He was Deputy Chair of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Council, the principal advisory body to the Minister for Health and Aged Care. Puggy was also a Chairman of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Working Group of the National Public Health Partnership, and a member of the National Rural Health Alliance and the Public Health Association of Australia.

Puggy was also a respected and successful ATSIC Regional Councillor in the Kullarri region from 1993 to 1996, and was involved in numerous voluntary community-based organisations

In recognition of his ‘exceptional contribution to the advancement of human well-being’, Puggy was awarded an honorary doctorate by James Cook University in April 2001.

The HealthInfoNet pays particular tribute to Puggy. Reflecting his great appreciation of the importance of quality information to guide policy and program development, he was an ardent supporter of our work.

Puggy was an inspiring and committed worker for Indigenous health, and he will be sorely missed.

Media releases

5 September. Minister for Reconciliation and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, Philip Ruddock. Death of Aboriginal health activist a sad loss.

5 September. Tom Stephens Minister for the Kimberley, Pilbara and Gascoyne. Minister pays tribute to Aboriginal leader.

5 September. Federal Minister for Health and Aged Care Dr Michael Wooldridge. Dr Arnold ‘Puggy’ Hunter.

4 September. AMA President, Dr Kerryn Phelps. Tribute to Puggy Hunter, Indigenous health advocate.

4 September. Commissioner Ray Robinson ATSIC Acting Chairman. Tragic reminder of lives built around funerals.

4 September. ATSIC Kullarri Chairperson Rosetta Sahanna-Pitt, on behalf of ATSIC WA’s Commissioners and Chairpersons. Untimely passing of respected Aboriginal rights leader.