Take the HealthBulletin survey to win a camera, iPod or voucher

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Published in the HealthBulletin
Posted on:
9 November, 2011
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The Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet today launched a survey asking readers how their peer-reviewed publication, the HealthBulletin journal could be improved.

Each person who completes the survey could enter a draw to win a camera, iPod, or $300 gift voucher.

The survey is important because it will help the HealthInfoNet to make the journal more useful to readers.

It should take about 5 minutes to complete.

To take the Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin survey, readers can either:

• complete the survey online at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HealthBulletinSurvey2011, or
• print the PDF and then return by fax, post, or email scan http://healthbulletin.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/HealthBulletin_Survey_2011.pdf

The survey closes on Wednesday February 29, 2012, and prize-winners will be announced on the HealthInfoNet website in March, 2012.

Contact information:

Jane Burns
Deputy Editor
Ph: (08) 9370 6136
Email: j.burns@ecu.edu.au

Christine Potter
Deputy Editor
Ph: (08) 9370 6395
Email: c.potter@ecu.edu.au