HealthBulletin Journal
Vol 16 No 1, January 2016 - March 2016
ISSN 1445-7253
Current topics
- Significant dates for cultural events in 2016January 18, 2016 Posted in: Cultural ways | Current topics | Vol 16 No 1, January 2016 - March 2016 |
Planning is underway for a number of significant cultural events for 2016 which encourage people to both participate and reflect on the importance of these ceremonies.
- New Closing the gap annual reports show limited progress in meeting targetsFebruary 15, 2016 Posted in: Closing the gap | Cultural ways | Current topics | Deaths | Education | Employment | Infants and young children | Policies | Social issues | Vol 16 No 1, January 2016 - March 2016 |
Two critical reports were released last week; the Closing the gap: Prime Minister’s report 2016, and the Closing the gap – progress and priorities report prepared by the Close the Gap Steering Committee.
Brief reports
- An evaluation and comprehensive guide to successful Aboriginal health promotionFebruary 15, 2016 Posted in:
Charles J (2015) An evaluation and comprehensive guide to successful Aboriginal health promotion. Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin 16(1). Retrieved [access date] from
Original articles (peer reviewed)
- Twelve factors that can influence the participation of Aboriginal people in disability servicesMarch 21, 2016 Posted in:
Gilroy J, Donelly M, Colmar S, Parmenter T (2016) Twelve factors that can influence the participation of Aboriginal people in disability services. Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin 16(1). Retrieved [access date] from