News items

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  • Council of Australian Governments promise $4.6 billion for Indigenous issues

    Posted: December 1, 2008
    The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) announced a commitment of $4.6 billion for Indigenous issues at its meeting in Canberra on 29 November 2008. 

  • AMA report card 2008: Ending the cycle of vulnerability: the health of Indigenous children

    Posted: December 1, 2008
    The Australian Medical Association (AMA) released its 2008 report card, titled: Ending the cycle of vulnerability: the health of Indigenous children on 27 November 2008 at Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service, Canberra.

  • Patrick Dodson wins the 2008 Sydney Peace Prize

    Posted: November 14, 2008
    Patrick Dodson has won the 2008 Sydney Peace Prize, which is given to people who make significant contributions to peace with justice.

  • Dr Noel Hayman wins Deadlys Award

    Posted: October 10, 2008
    Dr Noel Hayman was the winner of the 14thDeadlys Awards for Outstanding achievement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.                     

  • Minister for Health and Ageing outlines the Rudd Government’s plans to ‘Close the gap’

    Posted: October 1, 2008
    The Minister for Health and Ageing, Nicola Roxon, outlined the Rudd Government’s plans to close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians at the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses Annual Conference, ‘CATSIN Dreaming’, held on 10 September 2008 in Adelaide.

  • Inaugural Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet Advisory Board meeting

    Posted: September 22, 2008
    The Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet‘s Advisory Board convened for the first time on 18 September 2008. The purpose of the Advisory Board is to provide expert strategic advice to the Director and Executive Group of the HealthInfoNet to assist in optomising the HealthInfoNet‘s contributions to “closing the gap” between the health of Indigenous and other Australians.The […]

  • Close the gap – the national Indigenous health equality targets

    Posted: August 1, 2008
    The national Indigenous health equality targets were presented to the Federal government and the Opposition by the Close the Gap Coalition in July 2008.

  • Apology at the Aboriginal male health summit 2008

    Posted: July 24, 2008
    The Aboriginal male health summit, Taking care of our children, taking the next steps, was held 30 June to 3 July 2008, at Ross River, Northern Territory in central Australia.

  • Indigenous Health Equality Council established

    Posted: July 11, 2008
    The Commonwealth Health Minister, Nicola Roxon announced the composition of the Indigenous Health Equality Council in Adelaide on 10 July 2008.The Council will be chaired by Professor Ian Anderson, who has worked in Aboriginal health for more than twenty years. Professor Anderson is currently the Director of Onemda VicHealth Koori Health Unit and the Centre […]

  • Northern Territory Emergency Response: one year on

    Posted: July 3, 2008
    The Howard Australian Government announced the Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER) on 21 June 2007 to protect ‘Aboriginal children from child abuse’ and to ‘stabilise and protect communities in the crisis area’. The NTER was its response to the report Little Children are Sacred from the Northern Territory Board of Inquiry into the Protection of […]

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