News items

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  • ATSIC’s family violence strategy

    Posted: November 14, 2003
    This summary has been adapted from the following media releases: ATSIC, 31 October 2003; Message Stick, ABC, 31 October 2003; and Message Stick, ABC, 3 November 2003 Federal Indigenous Affairs Minister Philip Ruddock launched ATSIC’s family violence strategy in August 2003. The strategy is part of a long-term commitment by ATSIC to take a lead […]

  • The Kong family’s Koori doctors

    Posted: October 27, 2003
    Kelvin, Marilyn and Marlene grew up in Shoal Bay, NSW with their mother Grace and their extended family from the Worimi (located north of Newcastle in the Port Stephens area). All three have gone on to form part of the new wave of Indigenous medical graduates from NSW. Kelvin is presently training at John Hunter […]

  • Launch of Health and Welfare of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples 2003

    Posted: October 1, 2003
    Australian of the Year and distinguished medical researcher Professor Fiona Stanley AC, launched the Health and Welfare of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples 2003 on Friday 29 August at Indigenart, the Mossenson Gallery of Authentic Aboriginal Art in Perth. Professor Stanley described the report as a rich source of information for anyone interested […]

  • The 3rd National Indigenous Male Health Convention

    Posted: October 1, 2003
    The 3rd National Indigenous Male Health Convention was held in Cairns, Queensland from 8-9 September 2003. The conference provided the opportunity for Indigenous men to review the cultural and social context of their health and to further develop the integration of traditional ways with contemporary best practice. The Indigenous convention was restricted to male participants […]

  • Recently released – the National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health: Framework for Action by Governments

    Posted: September 8, 2003
    The National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health: Framework for Action by Governments was endorsed by the Australian and State/Territory governments through their respective Cabinet processes and signed by all Health Ministers in July 2003. This document is complementary to the 1989 (reprinted in 1996) National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health […]

  • Indigenous researchers appointed to the NHMRC’s Research Committee

    Posted: August 12, 2003
    The following summary has been adapted from the 23 June 2003 Ministerial media release. Two prominent Indigenous researchers, Dr Sandra Eades of the Menzies School of Health Research and Associate Professor Jacinta Elston, of James Cook University, have been recently appointed to the National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC) Research Committee. The NHMRC’s Research […]

  • Indigenous doctors appointed to the NHMRC’s Health Advisory Committee

    Posted: August 12, 2003
    The following summary has been adapted from the 24 June 2003 Ministerial media release. Two prominent Indigenous doctors, Dr Noel Hayman of QEII Hospital Health Service District and Dr Mark Wenitong of Wu Chopperen Medical Service, have been recently appointed to the National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC) Health Advisory Committee. The Committee, Australia’s […]

  • Review of the GP workforce serving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

    Posted: July 31, 2003
    The following summary has been adapted from publicity documents and is reproduced with the permission of Deborah Corrigall, Senior Social Researcher, Urbis Keys Young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people suffer the worst health status of any group in Australia. They have higher levels of morbidity and a life expectancy twenty years less than non-Indigenous […]

  • Fourth National Aboriginal and Islander Health Workers’ Conference: ‘health workers making the difference’

    Posted: July 1, 2003
    The 4th National Aboriginal and Islander Health Workers’ Conference was held on Kaurna land in Adelaide, South Australia from June 15-18. The theme of the 2003 conference acknowledged the unique contribution that health workers make to the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia. The conference offered an opportunity for […]

  • Links to Commonwealth Budget 2003-04: information of relevance to Indigenous health

    Posted: May 14, 2003
    Federal Treasurer Peter Costello delivered his eighth Commonwealth Budget on Tuesday evening, 13 May 2003. The following links provide information on the Budget and its implications for Indigenous health. Full Budget details Full Commonwealth Budget details are available at the official Budget website. Health and Ageing Portfolio Budget 2003 – 2004 2003-04 Portfolio Budget Statements […]

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