Minister for Indigenous Health, Mr Warren Snowdon launches a national workforce to address Indigenous smoking and to improve health

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Published in the HealthBulletin
Posted on:
13 December, 2010

The Minister for Indigenous Health, Mr Warren Snowdon has launched a new national workforce in Canberra (8 December 2010). The Tackling Smoking and Healthy Lifestyle Workforce will feature 82 new positions and is aimed at helping to reduce smoking and improve nutrition and physical activity in Indigenous communities across Australia. The workforce will be rolled out nationally over three years and is part of a $100.6 million Australian Government commitment. The workforce is expected to increase to 340 positions in 57 regions across the country. Each regional team will consist of a tobacco coordinator and action worker, and two healthy lifestyle workers, the teams will aim to raise awareness about the health impacts of tobacco smoking and chronic disease in Indigenous communities. The teams will actively promote positive lifestyle changes and they will help people to get timely access to health services.