Overcoming Indigenous disadvantage: latest data

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Published in the HealthBulletin
Posted on:
31 August, 2011

The latest Overcoming Indigenous disadvantage report was released on 25 August 2011. Gary Banks, who chairs the inter-governmental steering committee responsible for the report, said ‘the latest data still reveal considerable disparities in outcomes between Indigenous and other Australians. This applies across the six COAG ‘Closing the gap’ targets, as well as for over 40 other significant indicators. And progress in closing those gaps has been mixed’.

Of the 45 quantitative indicators in the report, available data show improvement in outcomes for 13 indicators – including in employment, educational attainment and home ownership. For 10 indicators, including many health and school education outcomes, there has been no significant improvement, while for another seven, including social indicators such as criminal justice, outcomes have actually deteriorated.

Gary Banks praised the contributions of all those who participated in report consultations, from within government and the wider community, particularly Indigenous people.