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  • Alcohol attributable deaths among Indigenous Australians – National Drug Research Institute releases report

    Posted: February 19, 2007
    he following information has been adapted from information provided by the National Drug Research Institute and media releases from the ABC. The National Alcohol Indicators Project (NAIP), is a nationally coordinated project aimed at tracking and reporting on trends in alcohol-related harm in Australia at national, state and local levels. One of the main objectives […]

  • Overweight and obesity – a major problem for Indigenous Australians

    Posted: October 17, 2006
    Jane Burns and Neil Thomson Abstract The worldwide ‘epidemic’ of obesity includes Australia, particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Levels of overweight and obesity are similar for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, but, importantly, the proportion of obese Indigenous people is considerably higher than that of obese non-Indigenous people. The difference in levels of obesity […]

  • Deadly Award for outstanding achievement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health: Mick Adams

    Posted: October 16, 2006
    The following information has been adapted from the Deadlys website Mick Adams has won a major award at the 12th annual Deadlys, announced 21 September, 2006 at the Sydney Opera House. The Deadly Awards have become an important event on the Indigenous music and lifestyle calendar, celebrating the achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander […]

  • Indigenous Governance Awards winner – WuChopperen Health Service, Queensland

    Posted: October 2, 2006
    The following information has been adapted from the Reconciliation Australia website The WuChopperen Health Service has won a major award at the 2006 Indigenous Governance Awards, announced 31 August 2006 in Melbourne. These awards recognise and reward excellence in governance in Indigenous organisations. The awards drew a field of 47 applicants and there were eight […]

  • National Indigenous Violence and Child Abuse Intelligence Task Force

    Posted: September 27, 2006
    The following information has been adapted from joint media releases by the Minster for Justice and Customs (14 July 2006) and the Australian Crime Commission (17 July 2006). A National Indigenous Violence and Child Abuse Intelligence Task Force has been established. Led by the Australian Crime Commission (ACC), the task force is designed to address […]

  • Health system reform for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Cape York

    Posted: September 11, 2006
    The following information has been adapted from media releases by QAIHC and ANTaRQLD (15 August 2006) The signing of the historic Cape York Health Agreement means that Queensland health and the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing will transfer the management and decision making of essential primary health care services over to the Apunipima Cape […]

  • Are boys more vulnerable to nutritional stress? Child weight growth in a Queensland Aboriginal community (1950-1982) in comparison with the new WHO references

    Posted: July 17, 2006
    Hilary Bambrick View PDF Abstract Background: Previous studies have universally found that Aboriginal children exhibit poor growth in relation to international references. Objective: To determine how weight-for-age growth of children born 1950-1982 in a large Queensland Aboriginal community compare with the recent World Health Organization (WHO) international reference data, and whether girls and boys show […]

  • Dr Kelvin Kong: Australia’s first Indigenous surgeon

    Posted: July 12, 2006
    The following information has been adapted from a transcript of the ABC radio program PM (broadcast 4 July 2006) Sydney doctor, Kelvin Kong has become Australia’s first Indigenous surgeon. His choice to practice as an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist was influenced by a desire to address the high rates of ear and eye […]

  • HealthInfoNet ‘s work on the misuse of alcohol and other drugs assisted by new Reference Group

    Posted: July 3, 2006
    A specially-convened Alcohol and other Drugs Reference Group – which will provide a ‘sounding board’ to the HealthInfoNet on the development of web-based knowledge resources on the misuse of alcohol and other drugs among Indigenous peoples – met for the first time on 7 June 2006 at Kurongkurl Katitjin, Edith Cowan University’s School of Indigenous […]

  • Start out strong: a national symposium promoting healthy pregnancy in Indigenous communities

    Posted: June 5, 2006
    The national symposium Start out strong: a healthy beginning in life, was held in Perth, Western Australia, 9-10 May 2006. The symposium was organised by the Child Health Research Institute and the Rio Tinto Child Health Partnership, and also sponsored by the Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, Department of Health and Ageing, […]

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