- A review of the literature on disability services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Posted: October 17, 2004
his review is also available as a downloadable PDF using Adobe Acrobat. Suggested citation: O’Neill M, Kirov E, Thomson N (2004) A review of the literature on disability services for Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander peoples. Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin;4(4): Reviews 2. Retrieved [access date] from http://www.healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au/html/html_bulletin//bull_44/reviews/oneill/reviews_oneill_1.htm Acknowledgments Introduction Methodology Acknowledgments Particular thanks are extended to: […] - Overview of Indigenous health 2004
Posted: October 17, 2004
Preface Acknowledgments Introduction The context of Indigenous health Births and pregnancy outcome Mortality Hospitalisation Selected health conditions Disability Health risk factors Health expenditure Concluding comments Glossaries Endnotes References Abbreviations This review is also available as a downloadable PDF using Adobe Acrobat. Suggested citation: Thomson N, Burns J, Burrow S, Kirov E (2004) Overview of Indigenous […]