News items

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  • Recipients of the 2002 Puggy Hunter Aboriginal Health Scholarships are announced

    Posted: May 17, 2002
    The first recipients of the Puggy Hunter Scholarships for Indigenous students in medicine and nursing were recently announced by Federal Health Minister Kay Patterson in Melbourne. Speaking at the 5th Wonca World Rural Health Conference (1 – 3 May 2002), Senator Patterson announced that the first round of scholarships had been awarded to five medicine […]

  • Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet gives keynote address at the national Aboriginal Health Information Symposium in Ottawa, Canada

    Posted: March 7, 2002
    Professor Neil Thomson, Director, and Bronwyn Gee, Manager presented a keynote address on ‘a model of knowledge management for Aboriginal health’ at the national Aboriginal Health Information Symposium held in Ottawa, Canada on 11-13 February. The topic was of particular relevance to the National Aboriginal Health Organization (NAHO), as effective knowledge management has been recognised […]

  • Harkness Fellowship examining Indigenous Australians’ access to kidney transplantation

    Posted: March 7, 2002
    Dr Alan Cass, a PhD student at the Menzies School of Health Research and researcher at the Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal and Tropical Health, has been awarded a Harkness Fellowship to continue his research in the United States. He will undertake a cross-national study of the barriers facing Indigenous Australians and Native Americans with […]

  • James Cook University: maternal health education program for health workers

    Posted: February 5, 2002
    Jenny Darr, Hanni Gennat, Jacinta Elston, Lynore Geia, Adrian Miller, Vicki Saunders. It has been acknowledged by both community stakeholders and government that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are in the high-risk group for complications at any stage of pregnancy1. Infant mortality rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders remain unacceptably high, with prematurity […]

  • Patricia Fagan: new senior medical advisor at the Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health added

    Posted: January 25, 2002
    In October 2001, Patricia (Trish) Fagan was appointed as senior medical advisor (SMA) at the Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (OATSIH). She brings to the position a wealth of experience in Indigenous health. The Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet asked Trish to submit a brief article to the HealthBulletin regarding her recent appointment. She […]

  • Dr Arnold ‘Puggy’ Hunter (1951 – 2001) recipient of 2001 Human Rights Medal

    Posted: December 11, 2001
    The late Dr Arnold ‘Puggy’ Hunter has been named by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission as the recipient of the Human Rights Medal 2001. Dr Hunter fought uncompromisingly for human rights for the Aboriginal community. Upon his untimely and recent death, tributes to Dr Hunter poured in from around Australia -click here to […]

  • 33rd Public Health Association of Australia Annual Conference

    Posted: December 10, 2001
    The 33rd Public Health Association of Australia Annual Conference was held in Sydney from the 23-26 September. Titled 2001: A Public Health Odyssey – Popular Culture, Science and Politics, the conference explored the influence of community preferences, scientific evidence and political realities in addressing various health issues, and highlighted the need to properly engage the […]

  • AHMAC establishes the Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (SCATSIH)

    Posted: November 20, 2001
    The 25 October meeting of AHMAC (Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council) agreed to establish the Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (SCATSIH) with the following draft terms of reference: (1) To assist AHMAC to meets its whole-of-health system responsibilities to improve Indigenous health; (2) To coordinate and promote jurisdictional activities in relation […]

  • HealthInfoNet to work with Canadian Aboriginal organisations on Internet-accessible resources

    Posted: November 1, 2001
    Following a series of meetings in Ottawa and Toronto on 8-11 October with people and organisations involved in Aboriginal health in Canada, the HealthInfoNet has been approached to assist in the development of a Canadian resource along the lines of the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet. The meetings began in Ottawa on 8 October, when HealthInfoNet Director, […]

  • Canadian authorities enthusiastic about HealthInfoNet ‘knowledge translation’ activities

    Posted: November 1, 2001
    Senior officials of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and Health Canada expressed great interest in the work of the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet in meetings with the HealthInfoNet Director, Neil Thomson, and Manager, Bronwyn Gee, in Ottawa, Canada on 9-10 October. These meetings need to be seen in the context of the establishment in […]

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