Assessing compliance with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research guidelines within systematic reviews

MacLean S1,2, Ritte R1, Thorpe A1, Ewen S3, Arabena K1 (2015) Assessing compliance with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research guidelines within systematic reviews. Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin 15(4). Retrieved [access date] from Continue reading

What indicators of Indigenous patient engagement can be identified in the patient record? A retrospective descriptive study

Roe Y, Kruske, S (2015) What indicators of Indigenous patient engagement can be identified in the patient record? A retrospective descriptive study. Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin 15(4). Retrieved [access date] from

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The social and emotional benefits of yoga for Aboriginal Australian children: a pilot case series study

Dr van Bockxmeer J, McNamara K, Dr Green J (2015) The social and emotional benefits of yoga for Aboriginal Australian children: a pilot case series study. Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin 15(4). Retrieved [access date] from

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Why HITnet kiosks didn’t hit the mark for sexual health education of Western Australian Aboriginal youth

Vujcich D 1, Hadland N2, Sullivan B2, Clews S2, Kerry K1, Mak DB1,3 (2015)Why HITnet kiosks didn’t hit the mark for sexual health education of Western Australian Aboriginal youth Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin 15(4). Retrieved [access date] from Continue reading