Selection of appropriate spirometry reference values in Aboriginal Australians

White E1,2, James A3,4, de Klerk N1,2,5, Musk A W5,6, Hall G L.1,2,7 (2019)

  1. Telethon Kids Institute, Perth, Australia
  2. Centre for Child Health Research, University of Western Australia, Perth.
  3. Department of Pulmonary Physiology/West Australian Sleep Disorders Research Institute, Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital, Perth, Western Australia.
  4. School of Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Western Australia, Perth.
  5. School of Population and Global Health, University of Western Australia, Perth
  6. Department of Respiratory Medicine, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
  7. School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science, Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin University, Perth, Australia

Suggested citation: White E, James A, de Klerk N, Musk A W, Hall G L. (2019). Selection of appropriate spirometry reference values in Aboriginal Australians. Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin 19(3). Retrieved from:

Corresponding author: Prof Graham Hall, Children’s Lung health, Telethon Kids Institute, PO Box 855, West Perth, WA 6872, email:

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Co-designing an antenatal physiotherapy education session with Aboriginal consumers: a pilot study

Beaumont, T. (2019)

Corresponding author: Tara Beaumont, Physiotherapy, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, South Australia, email:

Suggested citation: Beaumont, T. (2019). Co-designing an antenatal physiotherapy education session with Aboriginal consumers: a pilot study. Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin 19(3)

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