What indicators of Indigenous patient engagement can be identified in the patient record? A retrospective descriptive study

Roe Y, Kruske, S (2015) What indicators of Indigenous patient engagement can be identified in the patient record? A retrospective descriptive study. Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin 15(4). Retrieved [access date] from http://healthbulletin.org.au/articles/what-indicators-of-indigenous-patient-engagement-can-be-identified-in-the-patient-record-a-retrospective-descriptive-study

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The social and emotional benefits of yoga for Aboriginal Australian children: a pilot case series study

Dr van Bockxmeer J, McNamara K, Dr Green J (2015) The social and emotional benefits of yoga for Aboriginal Australian children: a pilot case series study. Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin 15(4). Retrieved [access date] from http://healthbulletin.org.au/articles/the-social-and-emotional-benefits-of-yoga-for-aboriginal-australian-children-a-pilot-case-series-study

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