Australian first- and second-year medical students’ perceptions of professionalism when (not) asking patients about Indigenous or Torres Strait Islander identification: A scenario-based experimental study

Howard G A1, McArthur H M1, Platow M J1, Grace D M1, Van Rooy D1, Augustinos M2 (2019)

1 The Australian National University, 2 University of Adelaide

Corresponding author: Dr Michael Platow, ANU Research School of Psychology, The Australia National University, Canberra, ACT 2601, ph: (02) 6125 8457, email:

Suggested citation: Howard G A, McArthur H M, Platow M J, Grace D M, Van Rooy D, Augustinos M (2019). Australian first- and second-year medical students’ perceptions of professionalism when (not) asking patients about Indigenous or Torres Strait Islander identification: A scenario-based experimental study Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin 19(1) Retrieved [access date] from

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