The tyranny of distance – mapping accessibility to polysomnography services across Australia

Woods C1,2,3, Usher K2,3, Edwards A4, Jersmann H5,6, Maguire G1,6,7 (2015)
The tyranny of distance – mapping accessibility to polysomnography services across Australia. Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin 15(2). Retrieved [access date] from Continue reading

Environmental health challenges in remote Aboriginal Australian communities: clean air, clean water and safe housing

Holly D. Clifford1*, Glenn Pearson1, Peter Franklin1,2, Roz Walker1, Graeme R. Zosky3
Environmental health challenges in remote Aboriginal Australian communities: clean air, clean water and safe housing. Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin 15(2). Retrieved [access date] from

1Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia
2School of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia
3School of Medicine, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania
*Corresponding author: Dr Holly D. Clifford, Telethon Kids Institute, 100 Roberts Road Subiaco, Western Australia 6008, ph: 61 8 9489 7787, fax: 61 8 9489 7700, email:
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Adapting the Australian Public Mental Health Performance Indicators to the contextual needs of a remote area child and youth mental health service

Santhanam R, McEwan A, Bainbridge R, Hunter E, Haswell M, et al. (2008)
Adapting the Australian Public Mental Health Performance Indicators to the contextual needs of a remote area child and youth mental health service. Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin 9(1). Retrieved [access date] from
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